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Topic subjectthey called the cops on a sleeping black student at my school
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13258529&mesg_id=13258784
13258784, they called the cops on a sleeping black student at my school
Posted by Latina212, Wed May-16-18 08:26 PM
twice. i so wish she would have blown this situation up the way the yale one is happening. this happened in 2015.
they thought she was homeless
from a distance, she looked like she was covered in the padding you find under carpets. but when i got closer to her she had on fish nets and boots up to her knees and a plaid skirt. on the other side of her were her books and a cup.
i walk in with this white woman at the same time. we see the lady on the couch. she stops, i keep walking and i notice her clothing and her books, she is clearly a student. i do what i had to do in the kitchen go to the bathroom, come out and don't see the white lady. i go outside and she is on the phone with the dean who tells her to call the cops.
i'm like no, wait. she's not homeless she is a student. how can you call the cops on a student?!?!? she's like you don't know she's a student, i said go ask her! so i go, wake up the girl, ask her if she is alright, she said yes, just tired working on a project all night. I go back to white lady and i'm like all you had to do was ask! all you had to do was get closer to see she isn't homeless! (this white lady has an adopted black daughter. adopted her when she was days old. her ex husband was super racist and i believe she is too, regardless of her having a black daughter. her ex never wanted her to have braids or anything like that in her hair. he didn't want her to look like every other black girl in chicago)i stopped talking to her after that. i didn't like her to begin with and i was tired of having to answer black questions regarding her daughters hair.
come to find out someone else (the it guy) had called the cops on her earlier! and they came and were telling her she had to leave and couldn't sleep there. which is 100000% bullshit. the couch was there for students to sleep on, which they did all the time.
the girl complained to the dean who gave her a bullshit ass answer (i saw all of the emails) and i think she left the program the following semester
i've lived in ny, orlando and now chicago. never in my life have dealt with ignorant, racist white people like i do every day at work.