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Topic subjectI have to assess a set of financials to determine fiscal health
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13250288&mesg_id=13250420
13250420, I have to assess a set of financials to determine fiscal health
Posted by dba_BAD, Fri Apr-13-18 01:30 PM
and make strategic recommendations

(which is what I already know how to do)

and then make a dashboard for that theoretical organization to use to manage (forecast, allocate, etc) their finances moving forward (which I kinda know how to do, and have done many times in simplified formats, but I never tried to make anything hugely integrated and pretty)

Would love the opportunity to inbox with you or others in this post in more detail, if you're game to advise further. All input is hugely helpful and appreciated!