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Topic subjectany of yall basically work in excel for a living? or any excel pros
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13250288&mesg_id=13250288
13250288, any of yall basically work in excel for a living? or any excel pros
Posted by dba_BAD, Fri Apr-13-18 09:07 AM
I'm in final consideration for a new gig that I really, really, really want - last step is a sample project that includes building a somewhat involved dashboard in excel.

I regularly work in excel, and zip around using obvious features like basic math functions, sorting data etc - but in this case I know they're particularly assessing my excel chops and I want to pull out all the stops.

If you were building something in excel with specifically showing off an advanced skillset in mind - what special functions would you make sure to include?

I don't know wth a pivot table or a macro is, but I know they're things lol

Give me some suggestions please and thanks!