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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI'd die
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13230213&mesg_id=13249981
13249981, I'd die
Posted by Kira, Wed Apr-11-18 04:57 PM

>Really? I find intermittent fasting fine. Days like today, I
>dont want to eat until its time. Sometimes i get that urge and
>im thinking about it but its never unberable because I know I
>will eat. Once you eat that first bite of the day though, the
>floodgates open.
>Ive been biking fasted to work about 8.5 miles and home on the
>back end. A lot of days I train jiujitsu at lunch before my
>first meal.
>So I can ride 8 miles fasted, train jiujitsu, and then just go
>in on lunch

I'd need north of 1200 calories to get halfway through your workout. My life would consist of eating all the time in order to justify that workload. Lunch would have to consist of 800 calories post workout.