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Topic subjectA logical law change would be to classify semi-auto rifles with...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13247552&mesg_id=13249139
13249139, A logical law change would be to classify semi-auto rifles with...
Posted by flipnile, Mon Apr-09-18 10:04 AM
...detachable magazines the same as handguns, meaning that one has to be 21 years old, pass a federal background check and be required to go through the state for all transfers (sales to other people).

Proposing something like that actually requires understanding how firearms work, as well as the current laws on the books and any potential loopholes due to the technology.

>i really dont see the logic for AR-15s. especially why you can
>buy them at a younger age then hand guns.