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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThese Days They Get Shit So Early Straight From The Artists...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13248697&mesg_id=13248954
13248954, These Days They Get Shit So Early Straight From The Artists...
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Sun Apr-08-18 12:03 AM
...and you still can't find the song any damn place cause "they got it straight from the artist" before it's even released.

Back in the day I understood the whole mystery and having covered labels while spinning or never saying who the artist was but I also never understood how an artist plan on making money on releasing a 12" single nobody wants to tell the listeners what the hell the song is.

I was usually a second hand house vinyl digger and always seem to find copies of a dope house record used that use to be owned by one or two other djs who previously owned it 3 months to a year ago, and when they came to see me spin they laugh and say "so you bought my record huh yeah I love this joint I use to spin in all the time, got tired of playing it".

You know what really pisses me off when certain djs would get a hold of a remix that didn't make the retail release or is a UK only pressing just after you waited 1 to 3 months for it to be released just to be let down?