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Topic subjectMemba when fools used to keep certain albums/artists to themselves
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13248697&mesg_id=13248697
13248697, Memba when fools used to keep certain albums/artists to themselves
Posted by sersey, Fri Apr-06-18 01:32 PM
And maybe a select group of friends...

As kids we never even questioned the stupidity of that shit. If your homeboy was bumping some heat in the whip and he wouldn’t spill the beans, it was like okay this artist must be so dope that I’m only worthy to hear it if I can unearth it myself. Game on!

There was no shazamming a song or rummaging through music blogs for the latest underground phenomenon.

I admit, I was stingy as fuck with that first Esthero album.