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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI'm not a dick to her, hence the mocking post here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13247972&mesg_id=13248060
13248060, I'm not a dick to her, hence the mocking post here
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 10:15 AM
Do you think I don't know how these things work? Do you not see the humorous slant to my post on the subject, and do you *really* think it needed a lecture?

I'm up here saying her german shepards look delicious.

>But a large part of adulthood is about tolerating shit that
>you find goofy without being a dick about it.

Honestly that's kind if a dickish thing to say, because it's being said as though that's not the standard, baseline understanding the vast majority of us grasp. You don't hold a job for 8 years in the same place without learning how to deal with these things in constructive ways.

The dog thing is annoying.
The son thing is weird and annoying.

So I vent about this absurdity here, not at work, and not toward her. I mean...I made a joke about snapping if she asks me to buy chocolate almond bars for him.

That's a crystaline-clear, cartoonish take on it. Like, who doesn't have a petty workplace gripe? Do you think

I'm poking fun at the situation on a message board, so telling me no to be a dick to her really doesn't follow.