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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectShooting people is not right ... but I can see this happening more
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13247552&mesg_id=13247761
13247761, Shooting people is not right ... but I can see this happening more
Posted by handle, Wed Apr-04-18 01:17 PM
People are earning their livings now by posting videos to Youtube and getting a split of the money Youtube makes, and they are using that as their J-O-B.

Since Youtube holds ALL the power in this situation and they tend to change the rules wildly in their own favor with little notice it will deeply affect some people.

This goes for Apple, Twitter, Instagram/etc.

Rule #1: Don't shoot people.

Rule #2: Don't depend on a giant corporation for your income, especially when there is no employee/employer agreement where he you some labor protections.

The woman had some legitimate grievances (none rose to the level of violence) and since their were no protections for her she went into that end-of-life-Murder-suicide-mode that happens all the time in many of these cases. (Depression and anger seem to trigger this in some cases.)

Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, SnapChat/etc corporate policies have real effects on a growing number of people and it's a challenge they'll have to deal with going forward. I'd think that giving people a sense of predictability and fairness may help.