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Topic subject3 sets of 10...I was up to 265 a few years back
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13222595&mesg_id=13244079
13244079, 3 sets of 10...I was up to 265 a few years back
Posted by ambient1, Tue Mar-20-18 08:58 AM
I do some weird shit though...as a matter of fact i might change up now that I'm typing this lol...but anyways...i do a sort of mini crossfit rotation type deal...I walk in cold...i don't run before lifting or nothing...but walk in cold off the street, and throw 1 plate on as a warm up...my warm up is literally 2 reps to just 'crack' my joints...prolly not good but hey..it works for me....
then i'll throw the rest of the weight on there and do a set...after that set, instead of doing another set right then and there, i go immediately to my curls and bang out a set....after my curls, i hit the squat rack for a set....then right back to the bench....

For whatever reason I am stronger when i do it this way as opposed to finishing all my sets in one wop...maybe i should switch to doin that as it definitely fatigues my arms more which = stronger