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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectStaying plant-based
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13222595&mesg_id=13243685
13243685, Staying plant-based
Posted by EAS, Sat Mar-17-18 07:39 PM
Been plant-based for about 5 months now and have only cheated about 4 times. Broaden/expand my menu options and get to a point where I can even ween myself off of fake meat (i.e. 'Beyond' products, Impossible Burger, etc.) just in case it's discovered that even that shit causes cancer/chronic disease 40 years down the line. Lol. Going great and the support I receive at home, as well as work, has been amazing.

Right now with a lot of celebrities trying to go vegan, I feel it is a trend. But I tend to remain for the long haul because the science makes sense and even after a short while, you notice a small difference. Get colds/flu less (actually haven't gotten sick at all and this season is prime time for me coming down with something), even while those around you stay and remain sick weeks longer than they'd expected. When you work out/exercise, you are not sore afterwards.....or if it all less sore. Movements are better and less moody.

But the biggest surprise is still the support. I was prepared to go at it alone, but many are supportive, even when I backpedal. And I think I am actually influencing others when I least expected.