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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectthe problem with d angelo aka d mumblo was that he was
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13241517&mesg_id=13241914
13241914, the problem with d angelo aka d mumblo was that he was
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Mar-12-18 11:23 AM
a R&B After school special of hype and myth and while he is talented and got skills he was too scurred to run with it and make it happen in the big picture. yeah D'angelo was channeling alot of cats and he did have something under there, however his biggest problem is that he never worked on his craft and to expand it.

D'angelo should have been the R&B version of Kendrick Lamar

"Brown Sugar" was a Money track and still is a banger.

problem with D'angelo was he was a Legend in the hype machine and in time before he had a chance to ride various valleys.

truth is the game was set up for him because he came out with hype and had respect and the cat did co write "u will know" the Modern day Black Man's anthem and other things,problem was he was a Untapped Donny hathaway situation and sad to say that Aingie Stone wasn't his roberta flack in the bigger picture.

the cat had a chance to even give R.kelly a run for the crown at one time however he choked and couldn't bring the goods. he is better than what we got in all honesty.