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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecti own nary an album or single of his, so its not like i particularly care abt his work
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13241517&mesg_id=13241714
13241714, i own nary an album or single of his, so its not like i particularly care abt his work
Posted by mind_grapes, Sun Mar-11-18 10:17 AM
whereas i own a few of Me'shell's albums. And she comes off bitter as hell and has been for a while. Like what's more gross to do as an artist--making derivative pop music well or acting holier than thou to some artist more successful than you (esp so you have some clickbait to promote your new record)?

It's like youre out here doing interviews because you have to promote your new album. The only reason we are really talking about her is not due to any song of her new cover album, though she tried it with the waterfalls cover...its because she is talking shit about someone else. I'm sure she's just being honest, but the end result is just as gross: she looks like one of those people that attacks others for attention plain and simple. It's been a pattern and it's really not a good look.

And at the end of the day, the artists that Bruno is doing a karaoke version are way more likely to get caked off of their work than any of the vending machine hostess snack cake money they would have got from Me'shell doing a cover of their work.