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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectShe's correct. He's wearing it on his sleeve at this point.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13241517&mesg_id=13241615
13241615, She's correct. He's wearing it on his sleeve at this point.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Mar-10-18 12:29 PM
I mean look at the Finesse video. He's purposely telling us that this is taken from another era and unoriginal. I know alotta people here loved it purely due to nostalgia, but that doesn't mean it was creative. I actually thought the whole thing was a cheap gimmick. We know he's a pop artist doing this for hits. Finesse wasn't the best song, but throw in some nostalgia for old folks and you have built-in support. I don't think all his music is garbage, but the old school feel + marketing is a very important part of getting a bigger audience for him. It's not like he's making older people like and respect newer styles of music like true geniuses have done in the past. I definitely don't think he's trash as a singer or writer, but the critique of his approach as a cheap gimmick is very valid at this point.