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Topic subjectshe needs to go put on a wig and recapture the maverick years
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13241517&mesg_id=13241589
13241589, she needs to go put on a wig and recapture the maverick years
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sat Mar-10-18 12:14 AM
tired of once very good acts turning into bitter ole windbags and she ain't had a hit since Blues Clues was bumping.

she been on the down slide since the 00's. Bruno is a better songwriter than her and he can play and if she was half as hip as she pretends to be then she would know he started out as a elvis Presley Impersonator.

she needs to do stop doing cornball tyler Perry covers of 'Tender Love".

she still bitter that Brian Mcknight took her song
and made it a hit and legit.

drops the mic. and for the record and I do respect her talent,however she takes a "L" on this