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Topic subjectRE: Me’Shell said Bruno is doin’ karaoke.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13241517&mesg_id=13241519
13241519, RE: Me’Shell said Bruno is doin’ karaoke.
Posted by BlakStaar, Fri Mar-09-18 06:01 PM
I love Me’Shell but I don’t agree with the implication that Bruno is not sincere. Obviously, he is taking A LOT from the people she mentioned. It pains me that Mint Condition, who were not mentioned in the article but still came to mind, haven’t received their props but is that Bruno’s fault?

I’m not a Bruno stan, by the way. Still haven’t listened to his albums.

Side note: I’d love to get Questlove’s take on this. What has he said about Bruno in the past? Did he weigh in on the Thicke and Gaye situation?