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Topic subjectThis was dope. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13236651&mesg_id=13238350
13238350, This was dope. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Tue Feb-27-18 09:40 PM
You're right in that I already have/know a lot of the answers. It's having the courage to remain strong and do what I know is best, despite the fear and anxiety that can sometimes consume me. I've come too far in life to look back and wallow in self pity. Although I have only reached out to a handful of friends and family, those I've shared my story with have been incredibly supportive. I know I've got this. I just hope my kids are as resilient as people say they can be.

*Bookmarks* this post for future reference/support.

>Stay on that ledge and pretend you’re Batman.
>Look down on that city, find your inner hero, find the right
>sound track for the ensuing journey, plug in the Bat-Ear Buds
>and then?
>Since you’re Batman, you can’t fly. But you can glide. And
>you got that utility belt. Don’t forget about that, because
>you need it.
>You got a lot in that belt. That’s what you used to post
>this, if you recall.
>You know what all those gadgets and gizmos are already,
>because you’ve used them time and again, perhaps without
>realizing what you were doing.
>Though, of particular note is that contact list in the
>Bat-Phone. It’s powerful. Use it.
>You got some enemies that will creep in. A lot of mundane
>thugs, foot soldiers, you know the type. You’ll lay waste to
>them with relative ease, but you may need assistance when the
>end-boss Arch Rival types show up. But hey, you got Alfred.
>Maybe a few of them. Commissioner Gordon, etc.
>Hopefully you don’t have a thirteen year old ward in
>colorful tights, because that’s creepy. It always has been.
>But Al and the Commish? Hit ‘em up like Pac would.
>I know this is probably coming across real corny, or maybe
>even trite, but trust: ^^^^That’s your blueprint.
>Fill in the blanks. Add your own, more personally relatable
>details. Rewrite it with different characters and scenarios in
>a way that speaks to you.
>Generally speaking, you’ll be fine regardless. You’re
>resilient enough to articulate an absolute mess of emotion in
>a clear and concise way, rationally and thoughtfully. So
>it’s clear that you’re coming out on top. The only real
>advice you’ll get will ultimately come from within. You’ll
>get suggestions, sure. Scenarios such as mine, but minus the
>various bits of fresh perspective from outside eyes, every
>word of advice or suggestion you’ll receive will be
>something you already inherently know and do. Even if someone
>offers a word that helps lead you to that well, it’s your
>own well from which you’ll draw.
>It's all in how you frame it, and you'll find a way to frame
>it the works for you.
>But when/if the walls close in and it feels suffocating
>because the coming changes feel like they’re a little too
>much? Make sure you have some foundation to fall back on, a
>thread to pull to find your way back. You’ll be alright.
>This is going to suck. You’re going to hurt. And you’re
>going to be just fine, even when it doesn’t feel like it.