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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectBlack Panther 3D or nah? BTW Seven Seconds was too long
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13238221&mesg_id=13238221
13238221, Black Panther 3D or nah? BTW Seven Seconds was too long
Posted by Firecracker, Tue Feb-27-18 02:13 PM

I mostly skipped through the last 4 episodes of the season just to get the gist of how it ended, that shit lost steam midway through and anyone that disagrees... Bless y'all

Regina did her damn thang but watching her grieve in her car and do the back n forth thing with hubby got tired, so did most of this show and honestly that ending was bullshit

It had potential tho and ol' boy Fish was pretty cool (Regina too ofc, just.... too little/too much)


Should I/one/we watch Black Panther this coming weekend in 3D or 2D?