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Topic subjectwhat you describe here
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13238204, what you describe here
Posted by Selah, Tue Feb-27-18 01:45 PM
>The difference is we’re not stickick around out of love
>being “there” doesn’t equate love
>isn’t love...it’s selfishness

sounds like the aftermath (#2 in the list i'd venture)

>in my own example it was the darkest period of my life...

sorry to hear that. i don't know your situation, but I do know my darkest days and how tied they were to love gone sour

>Nothing beautiful about that Selah

you misunderstood my point then if you think I was saying it was. the beautiful part I was referring to is love when it has yet to be tainted by "real life"

that love that has a woman writing her name as though she's married to practice the signature she wants on the marriage certificate

that love that will have a woman making pies and cutting letters out of crust to spell the dude's name

writing poems and whatnot

the kind of love that will have her sing for you on your birthday knowing damn well she can't hit a note

(all things I have witnessed)

there is a sparkle in a woman's eye when she is like that

its beautiful