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Topic subjectOff? No. Stay on that ledge.......... and pretend you’re Batman.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13236651&mesg_id=13237882
13237882, Off? No. Stay on that ledge.......... and pretend you’re Batman.
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Feb-26-18 06:26 PM
Stay on that ledge and pretend you’re Batman.

Look down on that city, find your inner hero, find the right sound track for the ensuing journey, plug in the Bat-Ear Buds and then?


Since you’re Batman, you can’t fly. But you can glide. And you got that utility belt. Don’t forget about that, because you need it.
You got a lot in that belt. That’s what you used to post this, if you recall.
You know what all those gadgets and gizmos are already, because you’ve used them time and again, perhaps without realizing what you were doing.

Though, of particular note is that contact list in the Bat-Phone. It’s powerful. Use it.

You got some enemies that will creep in. A lot of mundane thugs, foot soldiers, you know the type. You’ll lay waste to them with relative ease, but you may need assistance when the end-boss Arch Rival types show up. But hey, you got Alfred. Maybe a few of them. Commissioner Gordon, etc.

Hopefully you don’t have a thirteen year old ward in colorful tights, because that’s creepy. It always has been. But Al and the Commish? Hit ‘em up like Pac would.

I know this is probably coming across real corny, or maybe even trite, but trust: ^^^^That’s your blueprint.

Fill in the blanks. Add your own, more personally relatable details. Rewrite it with different characters and scenarios in a way that speaks to you.

Generally speaking, you’ll be fine regardless. You’re resilient enough to articulate an absolute mess of emotion in a clear and concise way, rationally and thoughtfully. So it’s clear that you’re coming out on top. The only real advice you’ll get will ultimately come from within. You’ll get suggestions, sure. Scenarios such as mine, but minus the various bits of fresh perspective from outside eyes, every word of advice or suggestion you’ll receive will be something you already inherently know and do. Even if someone offers a word that helps lead you to that well, it’s your own well from which you’ll draw.

It's all in how you frame it, and you'll find a way to frame it the works for you.

But when/if the walls close in and it feels suffocating because the coming changes feel like they’re a little too much? Make sure you have some foundation to fall back on, a thread to pull to find your way back. You’ll be alright. This is going to suck. You’re going to hurt. And you’re going to be just fine, even when it doesn’t feel like it.