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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectDamn Dog
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13236651&mesg_id=13236676
13236676, Damn Dog
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Feb-23-18 01:21 AM
You're doing the best thing...make sure the kids are OK. People underestimate how much it kills a good dude when they're not around to tuck their kids in at night, or just wake up to them when that's been happening for the kid's entire existence...shit is a back-breaker

You're a better man than most, because you are holding in so much possible anger, fury, and just pain for the sake of a smooth transition. The only suggestion I can make is make sure that you do some shit for YOU. You gotta make sure that you can heal from the craziness so the kids know Daddy's back on track. Kids can sense when there's something off, so after this is all done, try to do something to get your head straight.

Shit just sucks man...keep trying to keep your head up.