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Topic subjectWe did go to a counseling session which was helpful for our
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13236664, We did go to a counseling session which was helpful for our
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Thu Feb-22-18 11:22 PM
communication and planning how we will move forward with the kids.

While some of her behaviors can certainly be viewed as acting out and as a result of some sort of crises, I was 100% convinced she was a lesbian. It totally made sense when she said it and it answered so many questions I had.

For instance, over the past year or so she would make friends with other girls who we had a loose connection with - from the gym, school, etc. She would always try to hang out as much as possible with these girls. They were all straight though and married. I noticed she would always talk so negatively of their husbands who I knew weren't bad guys. She would get so pissed off when they couldn't hang out and then allow that anger to effect everyone in the house. Her whole attitude and approach to everyone in the house could change on the dime depending on if her attention was being reciprocated. I remember telling her once, "why does it seem like you're more affected by the actions of your girlfriends than any by me?" She would tell me that I just didn't understand because I have a tight circle of friends that go way back.

There's that, then there's also the fact that she never showed spontaneous affection or complimented my looks. She would often return hugs and kisses, but I was the initiator 90% or more of the time.

When this all was revealed she shared that she had felt more arousal/excitement just from making out with a girl than she had with me in all our years together. Talk about a gut punch to the stomach.

This is definitely an experience I don't think many people will truly relate to (nor do I expect people to). The break up of the family though is what concerns me most and I know plenty of people have opinions on that.