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Topic subjectSo a friend of mine made 2 interpretations I think are kind of brilliant
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13233778&mesg_id=13234491
13234491, So a friend of mine made 2 interpretations I think are kind of brilliant
Posted by kfine, Wed Feb-14-18 08:50 AM
On the portrait of Barack : "Why is he surrounded by flowers? Kinda weird. Oh it's Ivy. See? *Pulls out phone to hold google image of ivy plant next to picture of portrait because he is obsessed with being right all the time* Ah! Ok I see it now, it's like a nod to his ivy league background. #blackIvy president. Makes sense."

Me: "..."

On the portrait of Michelle : "Kinda boring. That dress is distracting. Wasn't there some article on that today?" *fiddles with phone to confirm because he is obsessed with being right all the time and discovers dress was designed by a young white woman* "Why would she choose some big distracting cotton dress by a white designer if she was trying to be all pro-black?" After which he concluded that maybe Michelle was giving a wink to commemorate that, yup, a descendent of enslaved black folks was First Lady - all up in that White House originally built with enslaved labour - and she employed a white woman to produce a cotton garment for HER.

Me: "..."