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Topic subject2 sons. 20 and 22.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13232162&mesg_id=13232840
13232840, 2 sons. 20 and 22.
Posted by Damali, Wed Feb-07-18 01:26 PM
the biggest challenge i face as they get older is letting them fail. I was actually better at that when they were younger..but for some reason, i feel MORE protective of them now that they are adults...so i fight that.

like not automatically transferring money when they overdraw their account by a few bucks...ugh.

but how have i changed? my change has been gradual the whole time...i don't even know how to point to any one thing....i've grown up with them...i had them at 25. i was insecure then...so much. but strangely, because of them...because they are so amazing, i feel more and more like a badass as they get older, if that makes any sense LOL

like you should see how i walk into a room when they are with me.
