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Topic subject"I was meeting my friend, Killer Ben in Ft Green"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13232623&mesg_id=13232836
13232836, "I was meeting my friend, Killer Ben in Ft Green"
Posted by micMajestic, Wed Feb-07-18 01:21 PM
>Come on God, you really telling a woman "You don't really
>look good, I hope you have a bad day" because she ain't trying
>to hear your street hollar?
>Why don't you tell her to smile while you at it. SMH.
>Don't mind me, just sharing song lyrics that I hear while I am
>older an "wiser" that are a bit more jarring now than they
>were when I heard them in my youth.

If we're playing the problematic old lyrics game, this line from the same verse is a bit more worrisome. Do your googles.