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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecti LOVED LOVED LOVED that scene. it was written so well
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13232162&mesg_id=13232833
13232833, i LOVED LOVED LOVED that scene. it was written so well
Posted by Damali, Wed Feb-07-18 01:20 PM
it was the perfect illustration of parents trying really hard to be liberal and different when kids are young, and then not being able to handle it when they actually do the things we say were allowed LOL

i had a moment like that the other day...i've encouraged my son to travel and live in other places etc etc...i encourage independence and tell him that he is smart enough to figure things out on his own..

but then he told me he was thinking of living in Atlanta for 3 months to check out the dance scene there and my response immediately defaulted to warning him that he would probably end up sleeping on the street/homeless..

i felt like an idiot. :/
