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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWe only change as much as our ego allows us to...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13232162&mesg_id=13232257
13232257, We only change as much as our ego allows us to...
Posted by tully_blanchard, Mon Feb-05-18 11:22 AM
My wife finally realized that our 22 year old son is old enough to make his own mistakes. He's always been one to try and "but...but...but" his way out of his F-ups (like blaming the neighborhood kids for wrecking the car...etc.), and she would always try to stop him before he screwed something up. But he/they have to learn the consequences.

I had to learn how to cover my iron fist with a velvet glove, ya know? Yes, I'm imposing my will, but you'll never know it.

Come to the realization that, they do start to live their lives at some point, and all we can do is be there to help.

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..
