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Topic subjectThose that have children (18 and up)... how have you changed?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13232162&mesg_id=13232162
13232162, Those that have children (18 and up)... how have you changed?
Posted by hip bopper, Sun Feb-04-18 04:31 PM
My oldest two kids are girls (22 and 18). I was overly protective of them as they were growing up. Both of them were dropped off and picked up from school until their senior year in high school. I didn’t let them hang out with friends too much during this time period. I definitely didn’t trust them around other adults. Raised them with values and taught them to respect others. Tried to teach them about finances and what not to do with money. Definitely didn’t allow relationships while they were in high school.

The 22 year old has been the most challenging of the two. She always expects to be picked up from work on a regular basis. Getting her to have good money management skills has been a task in terms of her spending money on things that are a necessity instead of things that aren’t important. With that said she does stay on task with her goals. She’s a year away from graduating and then she’s prepping for law school. She has been in a few relationships while in college and I definitely want her to leave the guys alone.

The 18 year old is exhibits bad money habits too, but she will handle responsibility better. She drives and myself or her mother don’t have to worry about getting her from point A to point B. She started school, but I am hoping that she will stick with it because she is not fond of school and struggled throughout high school. She is the opposite in the fact that she doesn’t involve herself with guys. She enjoys being by herself and hanging with friends.

I have taken the gas off a bit now that they are older. I still try and direct them where I can and pick my spots to do so. It’s all a part of them growing up and I know that I can’t be overbearing like I was when they were younger about every single detail about life. I am expecting them to get what my kids mother and I have taught them. Kids will teach you how to become great communicators because discipline only goes so far. They have to learn now that life will discipline them from this moment onward, but just teaching and still communicating with them wherever I can.