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Topic subjectpeople on the left have problems stating what we know to be true
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13231582&mesg_id=13231860
13231860, people on the left have problems stating what we know to be true
Posted by Reeq, Fri Feb-02-18 02:57 PM
because we dont wanna come off as alarmists, conspiracy theorists, etc.

but this is russian/north korean/nazi germany territory. the way a large portion of our country is being brainwashed and radicalized doesnt happen in a healthy fully functioning democracy.

regressives are literally inventing conspiracy theories to control their base and hold on to any type of political power they can. meanwhile a lot of liberals are afraid to even call the republican party racist or talk about the authoritarian/fascist behavior they have already embraced as a rule of thumb.