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Topic subjectits not just about the contents of the memo
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13231582&mesg_id=13231591
13231591, its not just about the contents of the memo
Posted by Reeq, Thu Feb-01-18 04:52 PM
its about the fact that repubs are willing to tear down anything and everything to protect trump/themselves/donors from this mueller investigation. even entire agencies critical to our national defense.

its pretty amazing how blatant and out in the open the corruption/obstruction is now.

like homie said above...nunes already got caught redhanded lying to protect the white house. he supposedly recused himself. the fact he is even still on the committee and involved in the investigation is mindboggling.

the committee was supposed to be investigating russian interference. but he has turned it into an investigation of the steele dossier and our intelligence agencies.

the only bank records they have issued a subpoena for has been for fusion gps (who hired steele). the senate judiciary committee has only issued one criminal referral...and its against christopher steele.

repubs refuse to bring up legislation to protect the mueller investigation.

we are in full cover up mode. and it needs to start being covered as such.