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Topic subjectRE: Semi-vegan.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13222595&mesg_id=13223138
13223138, RE: Semi-vegan.
Posted by Sponge, Wed Jan-03-18 01:26 AM
>My main goal is mental health though. I am still struggling
>with depression
>on a daily basis and mostly don't want to be here anymore.

Do you supplement Vitamin D3 and magnesium? They're 2 of the top deficiencies in the U.S., and low levels have been linked with depression. Omega-3 fats has been shown to help with major depression in multiple studies, but a recent Cochrane review raised skepticism in regards to its efficacy.

Even if they don't help with depression, they have so many other benefits (vit D: immunity, energy, bone health, insulin metabolism; magnesium: converts previtamin D into active Vitamin D and is also involved in 300+ biochemical reactions in the body; omega-3: blood triglyceride reduction, metabolic flexibility).

Zinc alone might provide minor benefits but seems to be real good alongside meds (e.g. SSRIs).

The human gut bacteria has profound, wide-reaching effects. A few studies have looked at probiotics and depression. The particular strains used in the studies aren't commercially available, I think. Yakult (those little fermented milk drinks) is available in the U.S., but Yakult and fermented foods seem to be efficacious for anxiety. So maybe try some if depression is anxiety-related.

Other things to look into, but be careful with these (i.e. talk with your doctor about them) because of contraindications or toxicity: SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine), St. John's Wort, creatine, saffron, rhodiola rosea.