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Topic subjectRE: salute fam. onward and upward.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13222595&mesg_id=13223124
13223124, RE: salute fam. onward and upward.
Posted by Playa_Politician, Tue Jan-02-18 10:04 PM
>i couldnt start running regularly til around 230...and i used
>to always run/sprint/jumprope with no problem. had knee
>issues like you...along with arch and back issues. bike is
>def a good move. you can cop a good deal on a stepper too.
>once you get enough weight off, youll be able to run with no
>problem. constantly work legs and stretch aggressively in the
>meantime too.

thanks. good info, not sure if i was more discouraged that i got injured just trying to run, or that i could barely jog for more than a minute before getting winded. I lasted 4 or 5 outings of interval running (walk 1.5min, run 1min for 25 mins). I'm not sure if it's the weight, the shoes, my form or all of the above that injured my knees . I hit up my doctor on what kind of specialist i should talk to, waiting for response.

>im not sure what type of workouts you plan on doing...but you
>can get a cage, barbell, plates, dumbbells, kettlebells for
>pretty cheap from craigslist, offerup, etc.
>im fortunate enough to be able to work out from home. if i
>wasnt, i coulda seen myself being too self conscious to go to
>the gym and never getting the ball rolling. shit i didnt even
>wanna be seen outside cutting grass in the summer lol.

These past 6 months have been all cardio, mainly walking, biking once or twice a week for the last couple months and also a little bit of weight lifting using resistance bands. I live in a small apartment so i'm considering getting rid of my kitchen table that i never use and putting in a piece of equipment. I just ordered a Totalgym from Costco i can put in that spot depending on how much space it requires when in use and when folded up. i definitely lean towards doing this solo and a bit shy/embarrassed in public settings. might feel different as the weight hopefully keeps coming off.

I got positive reactions and compliments from people before i even noticed the changes myself. a few "i never thought you'd get it together" made me cringe a bit, but forget them this is for me.