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Topic subjectMostly diet and exercise
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13222671, Mostly diet and exercise
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Thu Dec-28-17 03:41 PM
My diet is okay. I have a standard Western diet but I don't eat red meat and don't eat fried foods. My portion control is good. And my junk food is pretty low, mostly just the occasional handful of tortilla chips or Cheeze-Its.

Thankfully, I've been able to lose a little over 30 pounds the last couple of years. (I went into a deep depression about four years ago and put on 50 lbs. It felt worse because I was in good shape at the time which came after a period of losing nearly 60 pounds.)

I've noticed that my mood has been a lot better since my diet has been clean and I stumbled on a couple of books that offers suggestions on tailoring a diet which may help stabilize mental illness so I want to clean up my diet a bit more by incorporating more vegetable based meals.

I also want to get to the gym more often. Up until this year, I was good for at least two trips to the gym if not three or more. But I hit a wall in February, probably related to pushing myself into anxiety with concern over my body's health. It also didn't help that the web design projects that happened to fall in my lap seemed to be in a perpetual state of deadline. I didn't feel I had the 3 hours a day to commit to the hour of travel to get to the gym (I take the bus.) 45 or 60 minutes of exercise and then 25 minutes to shower.

I find that I always enjoy working out but sometimes talk myself out of getting prepared and taking the trip. But my main resolution is to keep a sense of personal accountability.

I plan to do this by keeping my thoughts focused on my current task rather than letting float around. If I think about the actual decision rather than get involved with the future, my decision making seems to improve.

Also, I want to further my meditation practice as well. It helps with my discipline which can help me decide to go to the gym when the day comes or to actually make the vegetarian meals during the week.