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Topic subjectDo you have a Samsung phone? 'Over The Horizon' song got an update
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13221886&mesg_id=13221886
13221886, Do you have a Samsung phone? 'Over The Horizon' song got an update
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Dec-22-17 07:17 AM
You know how they include preloaded songs in the music app?
And for YEARS the default track is that Over The Horizon joint?
I JUST discovered that they done remixed that joint!!!
And it's kinda flames lol...
Joint has smooth vocals now and everything!
Yeah...for some reason, I feel whole now....

Yooooo...they got a music video too! lol

DAMN, they even had updated it for the S7 generation and I didn't realize

"Get ready....for your blessing....."