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Topic subjectthe issue is that he arguing over decimal points....
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13220880, the issue is that he arguing over decimal points....
Posted by Vertigo, Sun Dec-17-17 10:09 PM
He being West. And he STAY's doing that. The issue is not that there are disagreements among black voices. The issue is that West CONSISTENTLY makes a bigger deal over his issues with the nuances of other black voices, than the FAR MORE PRESSING issues that they agree on. So what happens is that both voices get lost because of Cornell's attacks, and that becomes the story to the non-black audience.

Sidenote, to me Cornell West is the Dennis Miller of black voices--ie, he uses every big word and random reference he knows to ENSURE that people can't make sense of 90% of what he says (in my opinion this is so he 1) sounds smarter than he is and 2) so he can't be disputed by non-academics). His grandstanding aside, this has the other benefit of making his voice COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT--whether he knows it or not, he's a sideshow, not a serious commentator. Read in PT Barnum voice: "come all, look at the overly bookish negro. He'll dazzle you with words you've never heard of all day long!"

Side-side note for anyone that listens to Joe Rogan's podcasts he does the EXACT same thing on many issues--most notably on issues of rape and false accusations. He'll (correctly) state that rape is a FAR bigger issue than false accusations of rape and that unreported rapes and rapes that aren't taken seriously are FAR more prevalent than false accusations--again all correct. That will be 30 seconds of time, maybe a minute, if the guest asks a question. Then he'll take 20-30 minutes to detail specific instances where a guy has been wronged by a false accusation of rape and how bad it was to his life. He will then give impassioned pleas about how serious the crime is and how it should never occur. All correct information, but when you look at the amount of time and passion he has on defending the men vs women, it's clear which issue is truly more important to him. The same with Cornell West--he spends all his time attacking other black people for not having the *exact* same opinion as him, vs a little of bit of time actually communicating said opinions--it's clear what's more important to him.