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Topic subjectI have been a single parent since mid October
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13215466&mesg_id=13215466
13215466, I have been a single parent since mid October
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Nov-27-17 03:39 PM
no i did not get a divorce. But my wife has been traveling for work since then. She has come home for a total of 4 days in that time and not consecutively. This shit is fucking hard. It's lonely and it's depressing. She was gone for our wedding anniversary. She was gone for my birthday for the 2nd time in 3 years. I didn't think it would bother me much because I don't like to make a big deal on my birthday but yeah it affected me. Thankfully family came through that day. Her parents took me out to breakfast in the morning. Then my mom surprised me and stopped by with her husband and my brothers and they took me out to dinner. She was home for Thanksgiving and I couldn't even hang out with her because I got food poisoning so I stayed home and threw up all day. She comes home on Friday and I couldn't be happier. Saying I am tired is an understatement. I am exhausted. I feel terrible for my son because he is a mamas boy, but I think he has handled this better than me. It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to talk to her at night. I'm just over this all. This has easily been the worst stretch in our marriage and it's nobodies fault. I can't get mad at her because her new position was going to require travel and I knew it. But a perfect storm of events led to this long stretch away from home. She knows I am frustrated and understands. We are just both ready to get back to normal. Rant over, counting down until Friday.