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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectBecause it is.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13215126&mesg_id=13215363
13215363, Because it is.
Posted by Cam, Mon Nov-27-17 12:31 PM
This year, a sex scandal is revealed almost weekly. With the same swiftness there is matched victim blaming/shaming.

As seemingly liberated as we are today, I still don't know of any men who'd pursue loving committed interest in a woman, while being fully comfortable that he's part of her rotation (except Drake). Anecdotally, with the sex roles reversed I can't say the same.
Which to me, is why the story is relevant today.

More importantly to this online space, part of the story arc (at least a broad stroke version of the artistic theme) mirror's that of TLynnFaz's very popular 2013 street art campaign and subsequent career trajectory.
Also lending relevance.

Each episode was mostly written by alternating Playwrights, aside from Spike and the Lee's. So yes, the comedy is more theatrical, vs. telematic (I might have made that word up) or cinematic, than other similar miniseries, but the approach works in its creativity. Any shortcomings are positively outweighed by the acting performances, cinematography, art direction, musical choices and concise editing.

It's fairly authentic as well. Though exaggerated, I could cast each role with an actual person who in real life is very similar to their matched character--all living within a 5 mile radius of Dekalb & Ft. Greene Place. The most different would be DaMayor PaPo, that's IncenseMan's role over there...he doesn't stink and I doubt his mind is touched because of things he's seen as a Veteran.