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Topic subjectI don't know if there are conversations about it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13209951&mesg_id=13210151
13210151, I don't know if there are conversations about it
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-07-17 02:50 PM
prior to it actually happening. from what I've seen in my fam is once it happens, there are a lot of decisions to be made.

when the person that was violated brings it up, it becomes who can I trust to tell this to? will I be believed by my own family? what will happen next if I tell? but he's such a good uncle/cousin/grandpa and I don't want to embarrass him? maybe he won't do it again? was this my fault?

there's a ton of things to process and often when the victim says something, she's questioned and shamed into not telling anyone for fear it'll cause trouble in the fam.