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Topic subjectBecause you seem more scared of slippery slope fallacy and straw men
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13209951&mesg_id=13210079
13210079, Because you seem more scared of slippery slope fallacy and straw men
Posted by MEAT, Tue Nov-07-17 02:07 PM
actual than confronting the actual world you're experiencing and witnessing.
It seems like an escape to what could be versus what is
I wouldn't be shocked to find that you're a person that's deeply uncomfortable with change.
I have no doubt that you're sincere in what you're saying
It just frequently in this case seems disconnected from the actuality.
You may be better off having these conversations with women, you're gaining nothing from having these with OKPs