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Topic subjecti'm sure plenty women can relate to those photos though, bro.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13209951&mesg_id=13210024
13210024, i'm sure plenty women can relate to those photos though, bro.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Nov-07-17 01:19 PM
so i wouldn't just dismiss that.

you can't relate but that doesn't mean it didn't happen or that others aren't swayed by those explanations of the photos.

we are all socialized to behave a certain way when we're photographed. pose. smile. don't ruin the moment. no matter what you're actually feeling just pose and smile and don't make a scene.

don't make a scene. <-- women get that socialization much tougher than we get it. we get it as kids (i recall being a ring bearer in a wedding when i was 5 years old and i wore a tux and it was hot that day in that church and outside and i had to stand and pose for SO MANY pix afterward and all i wanted to do was get the fuck out of that tux and that church but i was threatened w/in an inch of my life to NOT MAKE A SCENE and stand there and smile no matter what or else and in all the pix i'm smiling like i'm not being tormented and threatened and miserable). but it continues for women as they're told to smile in pix w/creepy old men who are touching them in their 'no zone'. and if they complain later it's 'just *insert old man*!' and their feelings are minimized. what matters more in that moment is the picture. they stood and smiled though some creepy dude was touching them out of the image (on the ass, the thighs, under the clothes, whatever). they smiled as they were taught.

anyway, i wouldn't just dismiss the words about the pix b/c lots of ppl out there don't dismiss them. we relate to them.