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Topic subjectwhen we immediately jump to concerns about proof we ignore
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13209951&mesg_id=13210014
13210014, when we immediately jump to concerns about proof we ignore
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Nov-07-17 01:09 PM
the feelings the women in these stories are trying to communicate.

what they can prove matters less than what they felt.

b/c these cases aren't going to court. not a court of law, at least.

and they're not even about the court of public opinion.

they're more about a Public Oprah episode. these women are sitting on a talk show couch talking about their feelings. they're not standing behind a podium talking to Judge Judy. they're just talking about their feelings.

not 'just' b/c their feelings matter.

but that's the focus when i read the stories. i imagine how these women felt. i don't evaluate the cases for court. though i'm a lawyer.

these things ain't about proof, IMO as much as they're about feeling.