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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWhich women are you talking about?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13208825&mesg_id=13209046
13209046, Which women are you talking about?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Nov-03-17 05:07 PM
You're saying women like it's universal. All (or a majority) of women would feel harassed or uncomfortable with someone saying hello and going on about their day? I don't think so

Maybe we're talking past each other...I don't know.
I feel like I'm talking about normal human interaction. Saying hello. Holding a convo if warranted. But the response I get is as if I said "grab em by the pussy"

I think you should interact with women just as you would with men. There's nothing special there.

>do they have no say in what makes up the set of behaviors we
>call 'culture'?
>i ask b/c women are speaking up and trying to tell us about
>their experience and we're not listening. or we hear them but
>act like there's no solution to the problem they have w/the
>way we treat them when we speak to them. we act like 'well
>then nobody will talk to anybody then!' i mean, some women
>would actually welcome that, you know. LOL
>but anyway, we're minimizing what women are telling us. we're
>needlessly defensive. we're not willing to consider their
>feelings, it seems.
>or what am i missing? i think maybe what y'all are lamenting
>isn't about the talking to women thing but something else.
>but i don't know.