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Topic subjectnah, b, go fuck yourself
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13203117&mesg_id=13204956
13204956, nah, b, go fuck yourself
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Oct-23-17 01:44 PM
jk but seriously he was horrible president. yes, much of the financial ruin and prison population explosion were seeds sewn under clinton (and reagan) but he accelerated those processes. terrible fiscal policy at home. an embarrassment as a diplomat abroad, pretty much on trump's level (could be argued slightly worse or slightly better). disaster on security that turned into overcompensation that created a disaster on individual liberties. two wars, neither of which should have been fought on the same scale and one of which shouldn't have been fought at all. the guy was a fucking nightmare and we shouldn't buddy up to him now just because he will save the obvious about Becheeto Mussolini. Honestly I think Trump's legacy has a decent chance of being superior to Bush's. He is incompetent in many ways but militarily he's actually put decisions back in the hands of the military and so far there hasn't been any huge economic crisis at home (it's early, I know). Strangely a GOP legislature under Trump has passed WAY less than a GOP legislature did under Clinton. There are a lot of rollbacks of Obama gains on social stuff and immigration but those were always tenuous. Lots of financial and environmental regulation going on which is potentially dangerous but he still has a ways to go match Bush on both ends there or even Clinton on the financial side.