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Topic subjectb/c she said 'no', right?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13200289&mesg_id=13204412
13204412, b/c she said 'no', right?
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Oct-20-17 01:18 PM
so she's still on a pedestal.

unlike any of the tramps and trollops who succumbed to the pressure.

i hope to be wrong and you're not one of those who blame the victims who acquiesced. b/c none of them made up the rules of the game to which they were subjected here. they were presented w/an awful choice that wasn't really a choice.

it's not unlike the Hunger Games. LOL. which maybe you didn't see but i'm not talking to you, Buddy so i don't care where you stand on any of this.

but in HG if a person is chosen to play the game - they can decline but then they're dead. if they choose to play the only way to win is to be the last surviving player. one can't just hide for the length of the game b/c it'll be manipulated to expose the player. the rules are constantly changing and the players have no control. they're at the mercy of the game and those who control it. they don't really have any choice.

no, the analogy ain't perfect and i don't care. it works for those who see it. lol

anyway, yeah Lupita is awesome but she took a huge risk that many other women have taken. she's not the only one who declined Harvey's offer or who said 'no' when faced w/that situation. most of the women who said 'no' didn't make it in Hollywood. Lupita was already lucky - she was a student at Yale Drama. so she already had som'n that most women who say 'no' there don't have. and you see Harvey was surprised she was able to make it. b/c most who said 'no' to him probably didn't make it.

so i would cautiously applaud Lupita but that's not the real point here. the real point is that she should never have had to make a choice like that. and the women who acquiesced shouldn't have had to make a choice like that either. it's not right. the focus needs to remain on the men who put those women in that position in the first place.