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Topic subjectpeople dont talk enough about how republicans outright stole the office.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13203117&mesg_id=13203332
13203332, people dont talk enough about how republicans outright stole the office.
Posted by Reeq, Tue Oct-17-17 05:27 PM
we hear about the contested recount that gore was winning and the supreme court decision. but the reason it was even that close is rarely brought up.

florida purged 58k 'felons' from its voter registration list using some shady 3rd party vendor. black people made up 45% of that list. an estimated 12k of 'felons' were erroneously flagged and bush only won by 537 votes (1st count).

people were added to the purge list if they were even only 70% similar to a matched felon. when one county ran a test list with stricter matching criteria (dob, ss, sex, etc). their list of 600+ felons was actually more like 30. so the list was found to be flawed even before the election and they still went with it.

that same lax matching approach is still used today in multiple states that have anti-felon voting laws. it is also used to purge potential 'double registrants' (disproportionately flags minorities) in 27 states using the crosscheck program (kris kobach).