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Topic subjectHe just makes me more terrified of this dipshit
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13203117&mesg_id=13203193
13203193, He just makes me more terrified of this dipshit
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue Oct-17-17 01:49 PM
Bush is a reminder how consequential a horrible president can be

You can look at iraq decision alone, and how the world is still feeling its effects. including the rise of nationalist trump style politics spreading through europe.

Bush was a horrifically unqualified simpleton in way over his head, but for all Bush's fuck ups. I never looked at him as a vile human being in the same way i look at Trump. Cheney, for sure, but even Cheney wasn't a moron. just pure evil.

Imagine Trump's post 9/11 speech, or Trump responding to the world being on the brink of financial collapse. Not to say Dubya responded with greatness... i'm saying just imagine how much worse...