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Topic subjectJust because Drumph is one of the worst human beings ever...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13203117&mesg_id=13203192
13203192, Just because Drumph is one of the worst human beings ever...
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Oct-17-17 01:48 PM
...doesn't mean Dubya wasn't bad. I don't care if you could have a beer with him or talk football with him or whatever, he was a shit president who was unqualified to be there. He made HORRIBLE policy decisions, put all the wrong people in positions of power, got us into two wars, fucked up the environment, screwed the middle class at the expense of the rich. Even though Drumph has done all those things and more in less than a year, Dubya never should have been president either, much less for two terms.