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Topic subjectI actually miss Dubya
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13203117&mesg_id=13203117
13203117, I actually miss Dubya
Posted by j., Tue Oct-17-17 12:34 PM
in hindsight, how bad was he really?

He was pretty fucking bad if you lost a loved one on 9-11, Afghanistan, or in Iraq
I disagreed 100% with Iraq war and wall street bailout
but I never felt like he was a traitor to America or a con man

I see 45 as my enemy and a threat to the security of myself and my family
on some personal shit
I was a kid during Reagan
in middle, HS, and college for Bush and Clinton
(became "politically aware" during his 2nd term)
and for Dubya I was in the struggle/call center life/fucking around aimless BS

We laughed at "nu-cu-lar"
said he was Cheney's puppet
believed and were proved right that Iraq was a mistake
disagreed with just about everyone of his policies
except for that tax rebate check, but even that was some pandering BS

I mean, by the time Obama took over, Dubya was the scum of the earth
sheeeeeeeeeiiit (c)
I'd vote for him twice