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Topic subjectnot like this.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13200289&mesg_id=13202703
13202703, not like this.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-16-17 10:37 AM
you're advocating for silencing victims and those who would support victims. b/c you say if we can't suggest a solution to a cultural, systemic, institutional problem then we should just STFU and keep our 'empty gestures' to ourselves.

you've heard of 'rape culture'. it's a phrase thrown around by those dirty hippies on college campuses you seem to resent so much. you're participating in it w/this stance you're taking. you're maintaining it. or helping to.

anyway, the point of the phrase is that sexual abuse in all of its forms is pervasive and perpetrators have support throughout our society. the problem is bigger than any one of us. it's bigger than you or me. it's bigger than Harvey Weinstein.

check this out:

back in 2005, Courtney Love spoke out against Harvey Weinstein on the red carpet before Pamela Anderson's Comedy Central roast.


she was asked to give advice to young women actors in Hollywood. she seems to check w/someone off-camera before she cautions that she could face a libel suit for saying it and then gives the warning about declining Weinstein's invitation to a private party at the Four Seasons (a swank hotel in Beverley Hills). then she ducks out.

Courtney says she was subsequently banned from Creative Artists Agency (one of the 2 big agencies that represent actors in Hollywood) b/c she spoke out against Harvey. <-- that's rape culture at work right there. that's Harvey being enabled right there. that's what kept victims silent. i dunno that Courtney was a victim but she seemed to be aware of Harvey's horror and for daring to say a little something about it on camera she says she lost the chance to be represented by an agency that gets gigs for actors. if she's right she lost out on the chance to land i dunno how many gigs b/c she spoke a couple of sentences of truth about Harvey.

i dunno if you can appreciate the weight of this problem. i know that you don't appreciate what's going on w/ppl saying they support those who've been victimized. you call that 'empty gestures'. they're anything but.

one reason ppl stay silent about sexual abuse is they fear no one cares. especially in a situation like the 'casting couch'. i mean, it even has a catchy name attached. look up and down this thread - more than one person has said something about either not caring or shrugging shoulders or something along the lines of 'thats just how it is'. not necessarily here b/c not even the worst of you motherfuckers isn't this terrible but some ppl out in the gen pop think these women were willing to fuck for a role and so they don't care about this Harvey thing. of course, those ppl miss the mark - coerced sex is rape. quid pro quo sex is rape. or at least it's non-consensual. there's a spectrum of rape and i put this shit on it. anyway, for those who think no one cares that they were raped it's good to know that if they come forward they CAN find support. they can find help. if they're struggling w/i-dunno-how-many problems as a result of the abuse there is help for them. there are resources. they aren't alone. being raped makes one feel very alone - very isolated. the expressions you write off as empty gestures are intended in part to counteract that feeling among victims to help them reach out to whomever to get help.

i don't mean to put you on defense - just to give another perspective.

i'm probably not reading your response if you make one.