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Topic subjectIt's alot bigger than Lena Dunham.
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13202577, It's alot bigger than Lena Dunham.
Posted by denny, Sat Oct-14-17 05:17 PM
She's just a good mouthpiece for a toxic perception that's pretty widespread. Blaming men in general for rape. I don't know....this is touchy for me. I was victimized as a kid by a manipulator like HW and hearing that tape was disturbing. I resent that Ryan Gosling and other male associates of HW are blamed for his actions no matter how subtle and nuanced that blame is. It's just more poisonous ideology. If Ben or Matt was involved in any cover-up or enabling...then sure...they deserve contempt and possibly deserve to have their careers ended or altered depending on the extent of their involvement.

But all this phony hand-wringing rubs me the wrong way. If you're an associate of HW and you had nothing to do with his actions....then you should not be in anyone's ideological cross-heirs. Full stop. We really should stop fucking around with shit like this. It's not the 'men of hollywood's' fault that HW is a rapist.

I'd say the same thing if someone tried to subtly blame my daughter's muslim boyfriend for jihadist terrorism. Or if someone tried to subtly blame me for Dylan Roof. Or if someone tried to subtly blame Lena Dunham for American foreign policy. Stop the nonsense.

So Gosling says 'I'm deeply disappointed in myself'. Except what's the real message of that statement? For people like Dunham to say 'Wow, Ryan really gets it. He must be a pretty great guy for realizing that he should be disappointed in himself.' And so the real enemies are the guys who aren't disappointed in themselves? lol. It's like white privilege. So one guy acknowledges his white privilege and another guy doesn't. What's the difference? What does the one guy accomplish that the other guy doesn't?

I mean...we're essentially just requesting people make an empty symbolic gesture that doesns't actually DO anything. And the people smart enough to see how the game is being played will simply make the empty gestures and then point their fingers at the ones who don't. What's the point? There's NOTHING actually happening except for people deciding how they portray themselves. aka virtue signalling. And as a victim of this particular issue.....I get angry at this. I KNOW who's guilty for what happened to me. And I don't want any virtue-signalling male or finger-pointing feminist to say that it was partly the patriarchy and/or toxic masculinity that victimized me. I know my SO gets angry in a similar way to this stuff as it applies to race. When she can sense that a white person is trying to score meaningless, unproductive points with her (I soooo acknowledge my privilege) and then sensing that they are so pleased with themselves for doing it.

I don't know...I'm pretty far off on a tangent here.

Edit: I want to be clear that I'm not saying the concept of 'white privilege' is wrong or that it doesn't exist. What I object to is how these types of concepts are being used and how they're manifesting in these completely unproductive ways. The concept of 'white privilege' wasn't invented for woke white people to differentiate themselves from the 'bad' white people. And same thing with this toxic masculinity stuff. 'I disavow myself of Harvey Weinstein. I'm one of the good ones'. The narcissism is off-the-charts.